Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Sure that you, gentleman, will surprise if I tell him that in some moment of his existence she was … a lady please, do not take me for frivolous. During the first days of the embryonic development, the morphologic boss is the feminine one. It is necessary that a gene, named SRY is activated, so that this boss is blocked and a baby begins forming. This gene, SRY, is in a very particular chromosome, the so called Y-chromosome that, unlike the rest of 22 couples of chromosomes that we have two paired to two, a couple does not form “well agreed” with his partner, the X-chromosome.

98.5 % of similarity between the human genome and that of chimpanzees

Apparently, the Y-chromosome was separating, losing genetic material and desemparejándose of the Xth it already does approximately 100 milloncejos of years. It ended up by being a third of the size of the Xth and, according to recent studies, it might go so far as to disappear. Of course, do not ask me what will be of the masculine sex when that happens. Neither you nor I will live through it.

The man began diverging of the chimpanzee approximately 6 million years ago and, nevertheless, only a 1.5 % of his genomes is different. For it, he asks about it that they appear from the Technological institute of Massachussets, in a study published in Nature and coordinated by David Page it is: why does the human Y-chromosome defer 30 % of his homologous chimpanzee? This mystery, which discovered after secuenciar genes of the Y-chromosome of the intimate relatives of the scientists (human beings, are not thought badly) and of several primates, does not have, for the time being, explanation. Some shy attempts speak about the different mechanisms of production of sperm or about the sexual behavior between both species (several chimpanzees can be shared the same female in cycle ovulatorio).

Be as it will be, this mystery seems to give to the poor Y-chromosome, an important role in the evolution and separation between both species. Clearly, with the permission of the feminine X-chromosome …


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