Saturday, March 20, 2010

Association of Food and agriculture Journalists

From the Association of Food and agriculture Journalists (APAE), his new Executive Secretary, Helen F. Guiral, tries to give a new impulse so that the key role of the food and agriculture informers is recognized in all the forums, at the same time that one helps to create union connections between the important work arisen from the Research centers and the society of rigorous and effective form …

Association of Food and agriculture Journalists of Spain

Association of Food and agriculture Journalists of Spain

In the above mentioned sense, Helen F. Guiral, in open letter does to us to come the following thing:

“We begin a modest project, but there us remain the illusion and the good ideas. For it we put ourselves at your disposal to help you in everything what you need: to give diffusion to any initiative that you consider of interest, to look for joint collaboration in events or activities, to take part like speakers in days and conferences …

On the other hand, if some of you you develop works of journalistic information and have interest to collaborate, we will be pleased of that you are part of our project, since our principal target is to assemble the sufficient critical mass so that our voice is heard”. You can find more information and the application form in

Also, next Wednesday, the 10th of February I Day will develop on Agriculture and Journalism: from the agrarian information to the food and agriculture journalism, which will take place in the 36th edition of the International Fair of Agricultural machinery (FIMA) of Saragossa and which the APAE has organized with the patronage of the FIMA. The day will celebrate in the room 1 of the Fair. Along the above mentioned informative day, it will be counted, between others, with Fernando Moraleda, ex-General Secretary of UPA and ex-Secretary of Communication, who of course will share with all the interesting assistants experiences and anecdotes. The access is free and free, but it is necessary to register in the APAE web indicated previously, where also it will be possible to unload the complete program to obtain the free passes of entry to the Fair.


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