Saturday, March 20, 2010

In memory of our partner Maria Rodríguez Mateos

On December 24, 2009 there died Maria Rodríguez Mateos, who was supporting a position of Postdoctoral in the laboratory of Structure and Function of the Ribosoma in the CBMSO. Maria fought during the whole period of his doctoral thesis against the illness that in the end, in an unexpected way for those that we her were surrounding, took it forever.

Maria Rodríguez Mateos

Maria Rodríguez Mateos

It was a hard struggle that she supported with enormous energy and with a spirit so happy that all that we knew it were astonished by it to us. In spite of his serious problems of health, his enormous motivation allowed him to carry out a magnificent research work that took shape of a Doctoral Thesis that the extraordinary Award of Doctorate has deserved on the part of the Autonomous University of Madrid. Also, it has given place to several articles in magazines of high prestige and has opened a new investigation line in the Laboratory, focused on the study of the assembly of the ribosoma.

As his interest in the Science, initiative, critical spirit and working capacity, Maria had ahead a promising scientific career that has turned out to be suddenly truncated. All that we share with her these hard years of work and sacrifice we wanted it and were admiring, and we will always lack it.

The partners of the laboratory 103 of the CBMSO.

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