Wednesday, March 17, 2010

In memory of the partner Miguel A. Rodríguez

All that we devote ourselves to the world of the science we do it with the conviction of which this is an activity that allows you to exercise and develop your freedom. In case of Miguel Ángel, this conviction was established to his personality since I meet him, already enough years ago, when after having finished a brilliant "residence" in Internal Medicine in the Clinical Door of Iron, he decided to exercise his freedom of a slightly understandable way for many and to the one that he was accustoming to us with the time to few ones. Miguel Ángel declined an excellent labor offer the science risked in an adventure to which it could not resist; that was the center of his life, which was exciting him, in whose integrity believed firmly against the skeptics, and that was lucky to share with Maria Luisa, with whom also he shared the rest of the life.

Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Marcos

Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Marcos

An adventure that began in that small laboratory of “the clinic” and in that Carlos, undoubtedly, had enough that to see; adventure that CBM of that time continued in, after our famous "landing" in the CX, to continue of independent form in Paris in the Institute Pasteur and, later, back in the CBMSO, in the building of “biological“. The lymphocytes B were the excuse, the development of the system hematopoyético the strategy, and his passion for the unknown thing and his avidity of knowledge his engine. An adventure, nevertheless, unjustly short and turbulent, that he prevented him from developing like him was deserving his pioneering ideas on the embryonic hematopoyesis, which had already taken shape of brilliant form of excellent scientific contributions in his postdoctoral beginnings.

I was lucky to share with Miguel Ángel good and bad moments; of being provided with his opinion, never obliging; but, especially, of having a big friend. Always with time to speak with you and to transmit his exquisite cultural baggage; to cheer up to keep on conquering your doubts, because “this is worth it and is what you like”; to send to you for email the last publication of Nature, which he had already read himself and you had not even seen; to give you an integrated explanation of your scientific problem, for too concrete him and, often, for increparte for being excessively "conventional", not strangely at all coming from a doctor especially atypical with a sweeping personality. Miguel Ángel, you do not know how much you have taught me of the science … and of the life … and how much lacked you.

Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Marcos, Scientific Investigator of the CSIC in the CBMSO, left us on December 19, 2009, after 16 years of quiet and brave struggle against his illness.

Marisa Toribio (CBMSO)

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