Thursday, March 18, 2010


I realize of dangerous that the desperation becomes. Before a serious illness, any hope handhold can make us come across of unscrupulous that, like vultures, do of the foreign pain a fruitful business. As scientist also I am tempted to move as soon as possible my achievements from the laboratory up to the Society. Although presupposing a beginning of kindness to me, it should never puentear the current regulations: legislative or ethical. Or does he believe that, in health, the end and the desperation justify the means?

In this diffuse companies field with supposed base in biotechnology or biomedicine for that they look, let's call the things by his name, the lucre offering false hopes to many patients and his relatives, it would be necessary to place X-Cell, German company with base in Cologne and that offers, supposedly and according to his web page, that I do not think to spread, treatments for illnesses like párkinson, Alzheimer's disease, tetraplejías or diabetes. This is, illnesses that, saying is of step, they keep on being studied in the laboratories since, enclosed, there is not known the etiology of most of them. There are illnesses which treatment with cells mother of the proper patient, who is what they say to offer X-Cell, might be a legal reality in the future, but not in the present, as points out the Spanish Agency of the Medicine, which watches the above mentioned company but, on not having had head office in Spain, hardly it is possible to go further away.

The one who yes has done it, has been the Community of Madrid who, with good criterion, suspended the presentation in the above mentioned Community of X-Cell, company that was receiving a minimum for 7000 euros for certain treatments that, as I have indicated, are prohibited in our country.

And meanwhile, promising clinical essays with cells mother continue his legal currency inside and out of our borders. Since it must be …


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