Thursday, March 18, 2010

Direct differentiation. Obviating to the cells mother

During last two years, 2008 and 2009, it was considered to be one of the principal scientific milestones. The connection with clinical treatments and effective therapies seemed imminent (and it continues it seeming, this has not changed). Nevertheless, the investigation in cellular differentiation and rescheduling (do they remember the famous cells iPS?) it has given a new draft again towards the glory …

5 extends the news with Radio

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

According to the study coordinated by Marius Werning, of Stanford's University, in California, already it is possible to turn straight fibroblastos, adult cells of mice or of human beings, in other differentiated adult cells; functional neurons. The cellular differentiation, therefore, has stopped being this final station of the biological railroad.

If they remember (and if not already it is me who is here to do memory), the so called iPS are multipotencial cells that come from adult cells (hair, for example) that after the introduction of several external factors (some of them potentially tumorogénicos) they were turning into something similar to embryonic cells capable of generating any textile. Nevertheless, in the study of the team of Werning, published recently in Nature, by means of the introduction of 3 genes (Asc11, Brn2 and Myt11) it was possible to obviate the intermediate step and to go on straight of fibroblastos to completely functional neurons, with his action potential, axones and sinapsis, between other molecular characteristics …

Certainly, these new cells, baptized like iN or induced neurons, they might have, according to the authors and the one that speaks to them, important implications for the study of the development neuronal and, of course, new models in regenerative medicine. But skylight, this informative explosion, to the rhythm that the investigations advance, it will be necessary to enjoy it rapidly … little Can last ….


MI+dTV Programa first. Direct differentiation

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